This month is a blur. I can’t seem to recall where it went.

After the kids’ unit tests, we sort of went into chilled-out mode. They didn’t seem to be doing anything academic at school. All the focus was on their annual concert. Which was quite sweet when it happened, even if a bit unpolished and disorganised. Mimi was in two or three dances. Nene played the maracas (we had a good giggle about this) and – despite his best efforts – even had one line to say in the play.

Easter happened, and it was bittersweet. My MIL is basically bedridden. I did an Easter egg hunt for the kids in my in-laws house, and it was nice to extend that tradition to the cousins. I went for mass, and that might become a new tradition for me.

It has been so so hot. Work has been the usual crazy. V has been the occasional mindfuck that he is. I was properly depressed for one week. I have officially reached the point where I am working purely for the money. It’s worse working from home where it’s just the sheer plod of it, with none of the rewards of chatting with colleagues or even the air con. And I don’t think I can find a job that’s a better fit for me. The more relaxing jobs would have less impact, and I don’t like being involved in stuff that just disappears into a void (except this blog ha!).

I took off to Goa for a cousin’s kid’s India reception and it was great. On the one hand, it’s just a one hour flight away. On the other, one has to get to the airport two hours in advance and it’s such a production. But Goa is so beautiful, I felt a deep desire to move there.

I was determined to do both the pool and the beach, and I did. We were in the south this time, and Benaulim beach was very beautiful.

I hadn’t meant to take the kids, but I’m glad I did. In addition to them hanging with my parents, it was cute to see my older cousins and uncles interact with the kids. The uncles have become so old, and I am so glad I got to spend a little time with them. They all promptly whipped out their mobiles at the wedding reception to watch the IPL but never mind. My cousins’ kids are such sweethearts, it’s hard to believe they’re grown up and now driving us places.

At the reception, I got Nene to do the wedding march with me, and Mimi actually wanted to dance. My dad who is usually up to dance didn’t want to, but we did a father-daughter dance.

The older I get, the more I want to do the things I used to cringe or roll my eyes at as a kid. Like dance to Konkani music or sit and chat with my uncles.

Our flight back was delayed by a couple of hours, and Indigo’s communication sucks. I was exhausted when I got back, and promptly fell ill.

Next month are final exams, and no one is in the mood to prepare for them. I’m dreading it, and can’t wait for it to be over.